We have all learned a lot on this Justice Walking Journey, especially about service. On Saturday, March 17th we had our Justice Pilgrimage, we went to help feed homeless people in Berkeley at People's Park with our friend JC Orton, from the Berkeley Catholic Worker/Nights on the Streets. We got up at 6:30am. It was a cold day. As I was getting ready, putting on a long sleeve shirt, then my sweater, and another layer, I could not help it but to stop and reflect on how the people we were going to serve did not have that option. They do not have a roof over their head, and some even do not have the warm clothes to cover themselves on cold days. Then all of a sudden I forgot about being cold. My heart got warm, and made me feel warm all over, and gave me extra energy to give my best service and love to the homeless people we were going to help. Leading Justice Walking has been an amazing experience, I have had the opportunity to get to know the students better and learn about their stories and also learn along the Justice Walking Journey with them. We have about three sessions left and I would not like to see it end. What excites me is that we have next semester, so if you are interested, look for Justice Walking information next semester.
Here is what Jolleen Corner (Justice Walker member) has to say about Justice Walking:
"Justice Walking has been an exciting adventure for me. I have learned more about God and how to serve others. Helping at Catholic Worker is a blessing to be a part of and I enjoy seeing the people's faces light up when you give them food. I have learned that I need to get out of my comfort zone and open my eyes to the hurting world around me. We are called to be servants just like Jesus was, to be his hands and feet to a dying world. I have enjoyed hearing people open up and share the depths of their hearts. We all have a story, a testimony, that God has given us to help others who have gone through similar situations as us. Justice Walking is helping me have a 'Beginner's Mind' and to not judge others. I have grown so much in Justice Walking and I cannot wait for what more is in store for us."
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